Monday 24 September 2012

It's not that I don't have anything to say. It's that I'm too bloody exhausted to look at the computer screen and type.

I did this to myself with specific intention.I've been intimately involved with reverse-culture shock off and on for two decades now. I know better than having hours to fill. I know better than ten-minute breaks from the busy. I know better than sitting in stand-still traffic. I know how to railroad my mind away from reality.

I'd forgotten though that seven-years away make for culture shock. Seven years away, and I chose to return to a part of the country I thought only existed in American fairy stories. My cultural memory is useless, almost as useless as American double sheets on an English bed. I made plans to be run off my feet until I remembered what America is like. Turns out, I should have planned for the sleeping that accompanies the exploration of a new homeland.

And so it is that I'm trying to make a pattern: teach, mark, nephew, mark, teach, mark, sleep, lather rinse, repeat. Come New Year there may be more news.


  1. I'm really looking forward to hearing in more detail what it's like to settle back into your home country. It must be so strange. Hope you're enjoying the busyness!


  2. I know exactly what you are saying. I've been back in Poland for a year and 7 months now after 20 years of living in Canada. Only recently I've been feeling that I am beginning to understand things, but I am still surprised now and then at some social situations or sometimes when I say something that in Canada is "normal" and here people are staring at me. Hold on, it gets easier.

  3. Shock is the right word. I can still remember it 3 decades later. You must rest too, and open all your senses to your new surroundings to find inspiration, and energy. x

  4. for the words of motivation
    The past does save a lot of memories, but that's no reason tuk not go forward.

    I hope the benefits can be received and I wait behind the visit: D


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